Leith Local History Society

Leith Police Court

From Leith Burghs Pilot, May 1873

James Smith, Labourer, Fox Lane, for assaulting his wife in his house there, fined 20s with alternative of 20 days imprisonment.

Elizabet McIver or Robertson, with no fixed place of residence, was charged with standing drunk in the Kirkgate. She was fine 3s with the alternative of three days imprisonment.

John McGill, mate of a schooner lying in the docks, was charged with having a fire on board while discharging esparto grass. He was fined 3s 6d with the alternative of five days imprisonment.

William Gunn, Fish dealer, was admonished for stealing a zinc pail from the thoroughfare in front of an office in Constitution Street.

Janet Murray or Fraser, Coburg Street, was admonished for laying down night soil in Coburg Street.

Philip Sutherland, a boy residing on the Water Lane, for stealing a boat from the harbour was admonished.